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Interview Compilation

Reviewing the introduction of several of our founding members, what’s clear is the determination possessed by each individual. Varied fields of interest, skills, techniques, life approach and thought process for attainment of what one would deem to be health. Longevity, tenacity and discipline; from retirees to a new generation, EVOS has the appearance of an organization that champions diversity.

When we discuss diversity, we focus on surface level differences. It’s not enough to have diversity in appearance. It’s an acknowledgement of what makes us, us, respecting and providing room for ideology differences and how we emphasize feedback as a measure of growth. While it’s easy to discuss, in action, it can be complicated. As founders, we are expected to talk the talk and walk the walk because our investor members look to us as representation the same way we look to them. We learn it’s not easy to embrace life experience, cultural knowledge/awareness and often, effectively convey appropriate meaning.

As an organization, we have many obstacles to overcome professionally and personally. After rereading and at times revising the interviews, I had several gems come to mind, which includes one or two detailing actual member perspective, that many of us should be able to agree on:

  • Entrepreneurship is not always encouraged in the academic setting.

  • We expect overnight success, but that is not always the reality. Working on goals everyday, mapping out the process, setting and meeting deadlines and evaluating why a goal is not met, leads to intended outcomes.

  • Work, grow and make it count until it becomes greater than you could imagine. 

  • Life is building blocks of small successes. 

  • Stories, timing, intent and remaining true to vision is a constant refinement process.

  • Some employers intentionally create environments conducive to growth and many do not. Choose accordingly and more importantly, recognize patterns.

  • There’s innocence, friends and family (who you can only hope do not become enemies) and play are components to happiness. Life circumstances aside, happiness is yours to claim and be intentional no matter another’s opinion.

  • Patience, persistence and faith go a long way.

  • Go after a dream even if it seems impossible.

  • It’s okay to not have “life” figured out.

  • Great mentors are unicorn resources.

  • Clarity provides a nurturing base. 

  • Opportunities exist if you are lucky enough to have someone advocate for you or if you are fearless enough to advocate for yourself. 

Starting and achieving success in business is not an easy process. There will be many obstacles some never expected or anticipated, such as threats. Being an active participant in your own existence is met with hostility by stakeholder’s not involved, whose goal is to not see you thrive. Thrive anyway. Be determined to achieve and be strategic. Guard your ears, your spirit, your surroundings and your mind. Intimidating women has become an acceptable culture standard and the question is no longer why, but what is the purpose? 

When compiling these gems and conversation expanders, certain words come to mind: business, diversity, standards, obstacles, empowerment, encouragement and self-discipline are all shown in a tough market. The pandemic accelerated changes to the global business environment with employers competing to retain who they hope are the best candidates. EVOS, becoming a bit more functional during the pandemic, is seeking to hire and retain the best candidates as well, creating additional competition, depending on perspective. 

The gems, as expressed, speak to an organization with hopes for a promising future. While we cannot say EVOS will meet and exceed every objective, we know the organization is determined, with members taking the work seriously and showing up to bring it to fruition. That’s what being committed and showing up long after the mood has passed is all about.

In conclusion, I’m sure if you look at each interview you will formulate additional gems and I hope they help you in some way. Look for the interview Tiffanie will be conducting with me, as part of the founder series.

Have a wonderful holiday season. I look forward to bringing you more interviews with members next year.

Pamela D Brown Underwood